Wednesday 19 January 2011

The Final Magazine cover I will be evaluating is “Billboard” created by William Donaldson and James Hennegan. From looking at a number of magazines covers
I noticed that the titles are sometimes covered by the artist this could this suggests that the magazine is so well known that they can afford to cover up their lettering and people still know the magazine it also helps to make the artist in this case Lady Gaga photo to stand out. The text surrounding her medium shot image speaks indirectly, however her eyes are looking out to the readers suggesting although the text is indirect the photo is reaching out to the audience. The magazine itself talks about matters concerning the music industry suggesting that the target audience could be for audience aging from 16-30 as it not only have information pertaining to Lady Gaga, although she would be the main storyline.

Lady Gaga’s body language portrays to the audience her promiscuous side as she revels apart of her breast to the audience suggesting she is using her feminine ways to intrigue the audience. Gaga’s purple hair suggest that she is different to other artist as they don’t usually have different coloured hair the ring/ bracelet on her hand also portrays her uniqueness. The colour scheme used in this cover is straightforward this consists of grey and black allowing the artist and text to stand out however some text are clashing as some text are grey similar to the background which may make it hard to read.  

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