Sunday 30 January 2011

Magazine covers that are related to my chosen genre of music:

The magazine I will be evaluating is “Q” found by Mark Ellen and David Hepworth. The name “Q” is abbreviated for the word “cue”. Situated on the left side of the magazine is an award making it clear to customers to customers they are one of the best magazines, this can cause purchasing rates to increase as they know they will get their money worth if bought. The magazine looks formal and mature maybe targeting audience ranging from 20-30 judging from the artists they feature in as the image on the front of take that would be more appealing to older age range instead of younger.  

From the photograph on the front we can see that some artist are not looking at the camera and some are, the ones that are used to help make the audience feel valid, it also interprets them as acting like immature boys; re-enacting how they use to be before when they were young and so now they are trying to show the audience that they are still young and still the boy band that they use to know. They are all wearing a black leather jacket which is stereotypical of boy bands back in their time. It is also used so they can stand out from the white background.

The theme of the cover is black, white, and gold and red which when put together can be seen as classy and formal, it makes the reader relies that although they are acting in a childish manner they are still mature adults. The front cover hasn’t got much text which is effect as customers prefer pictures as they are more eye catching and the little text that is there is short and snappy easy to remember and gets to the point of the magazine. The punt “Back for good” is a play on word as Take That has been away for a while and so the magazine has used lyrics from their song to reunite the band.    

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