Sunday 30 January 2011

The next magazine I will be analysing is “Blender” developed by Dennis Publishing. This magazine could be seen as targeting audiences ranging from 19-30 because although Black Eyed Peas is a young people group the other artist featuring in the magazine are sited to that age group, there is not many colours used which can suggest why I picked that target age group, the background is plain so the artists can stand out. The photograph on the front also insinuates it is for elder people as the man in the middle is drinking however but acting immature by spilling the drink this could suggest the immaturity on the age group and the text suggesting their maturity.

The photo of the artists dressing in young people clothes suggests them trying to relate to young people as they are wearing trainers and their body language shows a sense of immaturity. Placing Furgi in the centre highlights she is the only girl, because she is centred by men her femininity is exaggerated making her body language seem flirty especially with the clothes she has on. Both lead singers are juxtaposed towards the front in order to signify their importance.

The text at the top speaks directly to the audience using informal language “Hey you with the iPod” this could cause people to buy the magazine because there is a free download inside for them to use on their iPod. The magazine also features other genres such as rock this could cause people to buy it as it has a variety of artist/ genre of music to talk about.

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