Wednesday 19 January 2011

The magazine I will be evaluating is “NME” which means New Musical Express. It was produced by Tony Parsons and Julie Burchill. NME has short abbreviated title in order to catch audience attention and make it more memorable, its signature title colour is mainly red because it is bright. “NME” focuses on niche and mainstream audiences this enables them to have a wide selection of stories instead and not just specialising in one genre; it is also used for unpopular bands/ artists to get recognised.  
 The cover overall gives a sense of seriousness and formality we can tell this from the band solemn facial expression and dark coloured clothes they are wearing. Highlighted from the rest of the group is a girl with orange hair and bright red lipstick this suggest her importance as she is the lead singer because she is positioned closer to the camera than the men in the back. Judging from the cover and it melancholy appearance the genre of music would be rock music as stereotypically most people who associate with that genre generally wear black and have bright lips and dark eye makeup. This is linked with rock music as it is usually represented as a colour for moodiness and negativity which is been conveyed by the artists.  
The bright pink Paramore sign implies to the audience that they like to stand out from other artist, it also could be seen as stereotypical as a girl is the leading singer so she is viewed as liking the colour pink. The cover also uses devices such as rhetorical questions to engage the audience “Everyone else has fallen for them will you?” this is used to highlight how popular the band is, hyperbole is used to exaggerate the text as not everyone has fallen for them be, this exaggeration is used to pull audience’s attention.

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