Thursday 3 February 2011

Magazine content page that are related to my chosen genre of music:

This This content page is from the magazine “Blender” the photograph on the page is of Katie Perry a famous pop singer, this suggests the genre of music this magazine specialise in. Pop is seen as a playful, upbeat and colourful genre, which probably the reason for the colourful image and Katie Perry’s facial expression, making her look animated suggesting her being innocent. The text used is small in order for the image to be centre of attention, quotes from Katie Perry is also provided on the page showing that the magazine not only has information about her but quotes that she has actually said making it more personal. 

The text is in black in order to stand out from the white background, there are different font sizes and styles in order to show readers what is important for them to read. Katie Perry is seen as a stereotypical female as she looks vulnerable, written on the right is the other artists that also feature in the magazine such as T-pain a hip-hop artist and David Cook who is a rock artists showing that the magazine doesn’t just specializes in one genre, this is done in order to keep the magazine mainstream  content page is from the magazine “Blender” the photograph on the page is of Katie Perry a famous pop singer, this suggests the genre of music this magazine specialise in. Pop is seen as a playful, upbeat and colourful genre, which probably the reason for the colourful image and Katie Perry’s facial expression, making her look animated suggesting her being innocent. The text used is small in order for the image to be centre of attention, quotes from Katie Perry is also provided on the page showing that the magazine not only has information about her but quotes that she has actually said making it more personal. The text is in black in order to stand out from the white background, there are different font sizes and styles in order to show readers what is important for them to read.

Katie Perry is seen as a stereotypical female as she looks vulnerable, written on the right is the other artists that also feature in the magazine such as T-pain a hip-hop artist and David Cook who is a rock artists showing that the magazine doesn’t just specializes in one genre, this is done in order to keep the magazine mainstream  

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