Saturday 5 February 2011

Magazine double page spread analysis of a different genre:

This is a double page spread from ‘NME’ magazine. The first page consists of a full page picture of Dizzy Rascal spray painting on a wall. This is seen as young people stereotypical behavior as judging by his body language he is acting mischievous because he is looking behind him probably looking out for the police, this suggests the type of artist he is and his style of music.  The graffiti on the wall contrast well with Dizzy’s clothing as it is bright and vibrant making it eye catching for the readers to be interested. The photo could suggests the Dizzy’s up bringing as being a trouble maker therefore just because he is famous doesn’t mean he will change who he is.

On the second page the bold title “From Tags To Riches” is a play on words the clichés phrase known as “From Rags To Riches” is used to suggests where Dizzy has come from and the journey he has gone through to become who he is now. The text background has been done with spray paint but done light so that they contrast well and we are able to read the article, this is also done so that we know the article is linked with the photo. From the title we can tell that this article is informal and mainly targeted at the younger generation as they would are interested in his music and understand the slang of the title. The page has a good balance of images and texts making it look as though the article is not too long. The images used on this page consists of what the teenage interests are connoting that he is young too and wants to have fun too like the rest of us showing that he is not so different from ordinary young people.
Just before the article a subheading is shown at the top stating all of his achievements and successes this is done to show the younger generation stereotypically seen as misbehaved that anyone can start from noting and become famous like him.       

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