Saturday 5 February 2011

Magazine double page spread related to my chosen genre of music:

This is a double page spread from “Vibe” magazine; the images in on these pages are made into the background therefore the colours have to remain faint in order for the text to be easily read otherwise colours may clash. The title “Jamelia” is made transparent so that we are able to see the image behind making the colour in the title this is done because the image behind the text has been filtered with a black sheet over it so seeping some original colour from the picture allow the audience to show up the picture more so they don’t forget it is there. Jamelia’s photographs are seen as innocent and calm judging by her body language. The photographs show her changes from how she was before and how she is till this day.

The text on the page is set up like an interview with the questions in red and the answers in white, these two colours work well together as they stand out from each other making it more readable, the text is also placed on the black filter in order to make it.    

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