Friday 8 April 2011

Q7. Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?

Q6. What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

Q5. How did you attract/ address your audience?

Q4. Who would be the audience for your media product?

Thursday 7 April 2011

presentations from liklesammy
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Q2. How does your media product represent particular social groups?

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Final Front Cover

Final contents page 
Final Double Page Spread 

Production Log

I am now in the process of re-doing my magazine to make it suitable for my audience as I don’t feel it’s up to the level of being able to attract my target audience. 
Final article
Candice McKenzie the 12 year old pop sensation has been working her way up the ladder to stardom. Candice has said that from the age of 4 singing was the life for her. She has turned 12 in May and used the Jonathan  Ross Show to debut her first single Rock That Beat – it has sold over 100,000 downloads in the US in its first week and is expected to be number one in Britain on Sunday, making McKenzie the youngest person to have a Britain No 1 since Michael Jackson.

Candice McKenzie debut single was signed by Grammy- winning singer, who released Rock That Beat on his record label UMG. Rock That Beat is an energetic pop tune in which it urges people to “want some more”. But McKenzie’s straight- out-of- the-box success leaves her destined for a particularly life changing journey. Already, the editor of the Observer Music Monthly Miranda Sawyer has called her “Britain’s most successful rising star”.

Bubble Gum magazine sent Deborah Smith to meet the new princess of pop.

Q1.  We know you have been singing from the age of 4. What made your mind up that this was going to be what you spent your whole life doing?
Well, when I am singing I feel like I am in a world of my own as I feel like I can be myself, my friends and family have been of get support to me and they help encourage me throughout and I have become better over the years. Their encouragement and wiliness for me to do great help me make my mind up that I can be success in the music industry.

Q2. How does it feel to be signed by Grammy winner Will I am?
I never thought this would ever happen to me, it is a wonderful experience to have the chance to work with him and I have enjoyed every moment. He has taught me so much, like how to become more confident and improve my vocals. On the subject of Grammy, I had so much fun I met so many celebs that I would never thought to have met, so many people were coming up to me congratulating me on my success and Lady Gaga even complemented me on the dress I was wearing.

Q3. What made you think of Rock That Beat as a song?
I chose this song because it reflects my personality as it is energetic and lively; therefore I am able to be myself while singing and producing the video.  

Q4. You have already become an inspiration for many young people, but who has inspired you to become a singer?
While growing up my inspirations were celebrities such as Miley Cyrus, Katie Perry and Britney spears, I love their songs and they have inspired me to want to carry on singing and become like them. I use to watch their music videos and want to have their life style and now, here I am.  Of course Michael Jackson the king of pop as he has dominated the pop industry for a long time, he is such a legend as people loves him all over the world.

Q5. How does it feel to be Britain’s newest youngest pop sensation?
It’s so awesome I love it so much, I love the excitement of it all, it makes me so happy to see the paparazzi and fans are all there for me I never would have thought I would have become so big, after all, I just starting out from uploading my singing videos on YouTube. I guess dreams do really come true.

Q6. From your song “Rock That Beat” featuring is there any other artists you would like to work with?
I was thinking about this the other day and I was saying to my parents how I would most love to sing with B.O.B, Justin Bierber or Jessie J as I really enjoy their music and I would be a great experience for me to work with well established singers and I would love for B.O.B to do some rapping on one of my tracks. 

Q7. As being a young individual in a busy industry how are you copping with studying and the famous life?
Studying has to fit around my singing career; however I have a good balance of school studies and celeb life, my parents made sure of that (laughs). I have a tutor that comes with me everywhere so there is no getting away from studies. But it can become hectic sometimes as when I go on tours I find it hard to balance studying and rehearsing for concerts and music events.  

Q8. How does your friends and family feel about your singing career?
From the beginning my family and friends have been by my side through it all, the support of my family and friends is very important as I don’t think I would be in the position I am now.

Thank you for your time, Bubble Gum magazine wishes you all the best for the future, and hope you keep persevering to be the best. You are welcome back to interview with us anytime so hope to see you soon!

Candice's debut single is being released in stores April 6th so go get yours now! 

I changed the article because I didn't have much conversational questions as seen conventionally in some magazines, I also didn't include enough questions so I wanted to add more to fill up the page and i wanted to include an editorial at the bottom so the article feels complete when read.

Double Page Spread Draft
In this double page spread I have only used one main image taking up the first page while the text is on one side, I didn't think this was the best way to lay it out so I decided to change it, it also looks boring and not enough pictures to attract the audience the pink is also pale which might not be exciting enough for my target audience.

1st article Draft 
Candice McKenzie the 12 year old pop sensation as been working up the ladder to stardom. Candice has said from the age of 4 singing was the life for her. She has turned 12 in May and used the Jonathan  Ross Show to debut her first single “ Rock That Beat” – it has sold over 100,00 downloads in the US in its first week and could be number one in Britain on Sunday, making McKenzie the youngest person to have a Britain No 1 since Michael Jackson.
Candice McKenzie debut single was signed by Grammy- winning singer Will I am, who released “Rock That Beat” on his record label UMG. Rock That Beat is an energetic pop tune in which it urges people to “want some more”. But McKenzie’s straight- out-of- the-box success leaves her destined for a particularly life changing journey. Already, The Guardian has called her “Britain’s most successful rising star”.

How long have you been singing for?
Well, pretty much my whole life my mum and dad realised at the age of 4 that I enjoyed singing and they help encourage me throughout and I have become better over the years.

How does it feel to be signed by Will I am?
I never thought this would ever happen to me, it is a wonderful experience to have the chance to work with him and I have enjoyed every moment. He has taught me so much, for example how to become more confident and improve my vocals.

What made you think of this kind of song?
This song reflects my personality as it is energetic and lively; therefore I am able to be myself while singing and producing the video.   

Who has inspiration you to become a singer?
While growing up my inspirations were celebrities such as Miley Cyrus, Katie Perry and Britney spears, I love their songs and they have inspired me to want to carry on singing and become like them as I use to watch their music videos and want to have their life style and now, here I am.  

What is being famous like?
It’s so awesome I love it so much, I love the excitement of it all, it makes me so happy to see the paparazzi and fans are all there for me I never would have thought I would have become so big, after all, I just starting out from uploading my singing videos on YouTube. I guess dreams do really come true.

What artists would you like to work with?
I was thinking about this the other day and I was saying to my parents how I would most love to sing with B.O.B, Justin Bierber or Jessie J as I really enjoy their music and I would be a great experience for me to work with well established singers and I would love for B.O.B to do some rapping on one of my tracks.  

How are you copping with studies and the famous life?
I had a feeling this question was coming and have a good balance of school studies and celeb life, my parents made sure of that (laughs). I have a tutor that comes with me everywhere so there is no getting away from studies. 

Production Log

I am now creating my double page spread article.   
Production Log
I am now in the process of creating my double page spread for my magazine. 

Contents Page Draft

I changed the contents page because I only used one main image and not enough contents I didn't include an editorial or an image of the front page and I haven’t included other pictures of other artists.  

Production Log 
I am now in the process of creating my contents page for my magazine .

Front Cover Draft

This is my 1st front cover and I have decided to change it because the background I find doesn't bring out the models face properly and her clothing, the title is very solid and has not got a authentic look to relate to the name bubble gum, the sell lines I also just found out that I was not allowed to use real famous people names therefore I had to change that to made up ones, sell line Pink Pregnant? My teacher told me it wasn’t conventional for a magazine front cover to have a dash separating a word. Also some text such as Exposed clash with the hair on my model.       

Production Log

I am at the processes of developing my magazine front cover.

Saturday 26 February 2011

Production Log

I am at the stage of producing my magazine as I have now completed my planning and research. 

Sunday 13 February 2011

Main/ Content/ Double Page Spread Image Pose Ideas

These images are some ideas that I will be experimenting with to see which pose suits my magazine the most. As the genre is pop I have used innocent well mannered poses to portray my genre, as my model is young I have to be sure to take care in the way she is being posed so she is able to portray the message of innocents and immaturity. 

Magazine Colour Ideas

Inspirational Magazine Covers

Upbeat magazine consists of a lot of vibrant colours making it interesting for audience, as being a young individual I find that this type of cover interests me as it has different size fonts, lots of colours and images. Although this cover has a lot of colours they seem to never clash causing text and images to stand out from each other. 

This magazine I find interesting as the title is always in front of the image but still the main image stands out. The magazine is plain but effective as the image and colour scheme interest’s audiences. Not having so much text on the cover can also interest audiences as they can tell from the front cover who the magazine is about without any words being written.

Sunday 6 February 2011

Magazine Construction Plans

Magazine Logs/ Name Ideas

These are the two names that I liked best for my magazine, the reason for this is “Tune In” connotes the way a radio is turned on which is the source for music and “Bubble Gum” connotes the genre of music I’m doing as bubble gum’s sound effect is pop, it also connotes with young people as they are associated with bubblegum. Out of both names I like bubble gum the most, therefore will be using it for my pop music magazine.    

Questionnaire Results & Analysis

Audience- Focus Group

This is an interview based on questions from my magazine to help me to understand what individuals like and dislikes are when purchasing a magazine. While conducting the interview I asked 4 female students to answer my questions, to make my results more reliable I should have asked different age ranging from 15- 20 and I also should have asked male interviewees to get an insight into what they prefer. On the other hand I have done a questionnaire asking male and female and different genre individuals so I think these would be able to help me to get an insight into what they like
This is a screen shot showing how I edited my audio interview using adobe audition. By using this programme I was able to edit the pauses made in the interview, background noises and hesitations while the interview was taking place.

Saturday 5 February 2011

Magazine double page spread related to my chosen genre of music:

This is a double page spread from “Vibe” magazine; the images in on these pages are made into the background therefore the colours have to remain faint in order for the text to be easily read otherwise colours may clash. The title “Jamelia” is made transparent so that we are able to see the image behind making the colour in the title this is done because the image behind the text has been filtered with a black sheet over it so seeping some original colour from the picture allow the audience to show up the picture more so they don’t forget it is there. Jamelia’s photographs are seen as innocent and calm judging by her body language. The photographs show her changes from how she was before and how she is till this day.

The text on the page is set up like an interview with the questions in red and the answers in white, these two colours work well together as they stand out from each other making it more readable, the text is also placed on the black filter in order to make it.    

Magazine double page spread analysis of a different genre:

This is a double page spread from ‘NME’ magazine. The first page consists of a full page picture of Dizzy Rascal spray painting on a wall. This is seen as young people stereotypical behavior as judging by his body language he is acting mischievous because he is looking behind him probably looking out for the police, this suggests the type of artist he is and his style of music.  The graffiti on the wall contrast well with Dizzy’s clothing as it is bright and vibrant making it eye catching for the readers to be interested. The photo could suggests the Dizzy’s up bringing as being a trouble maker therefore just because he is famous doesn’t mean he will change who he is.

On the second page the bold title “From Tags To Riches” is a play on words the clichés phrase known as “From Rags To Riches” is used to suggests where Dizzy has come from and the journey he has gone through to become who he is now. The text background has been done with spray paint but done light so that they contrast well and we are able to read the article, this is also done so that we know the article is linked with the photo. From the title we can tell that this article is informal and mainly targeted at the younger generation as they would are interested in his music and understand the slang of the title. The page has a good balance of images and texts making it look as though the article is not too long. The images used on this page consists of what the teenage interests are connoting that he is young too and wants to have fun too like the rest of us showing that he is not so different from ordinary young people.
Just before the article a subheading is shown at the top stating all of his achievements and successes this is done to show the younger generation stereotypically seen as misbehaved that anyone can start from noting and become famous like him.       

Thursday 3 February 2011

Magazine content page that are related to my chosen genre of music:

This This content page is from the magazine “Blender” the photograph on the page is of Katie Perry a famous pop singer, this suggests the genre of music this magazine specialise in. Pop is seen as a playful, upbeat and colourful genre, which probably the reason for the colourful image and Katie Perry’s facial expression, making her look animated suggesting her being innocent. The text used is small in order for the image to be centre of attention, quotes from Katie Perry is also provided on the page showing that the magazine not only has information about her but quotes that she has actually said making it more personal. 

The text is in black in order to stand out from the white background, there are different font sizes and styles in order to show readers what is important for them to read. Katie Perry is seen as a stereotypical female as she looks vulnerable, written on the right is the other artists that also feature in the magazine such as T-pain a hip-hop artist and David Cook who is a rock artists showing that the magazine doesn’t just specializes in one genre, this is done in order to keep the magazine mainstream  content page is from the magazine “Blender” the photograph on the page is of Katie Perry a famous pop singer, this suggests the genre of music this magazine specialise in. Pop is seen as a playful, upbeat and colourful genre, which probably the reason for the colourful image and Katie Perry’s facial expression, making her look animated suggesting her being innocent. The text used is small in order for the image to be centre of attention, quotes from Katie Perry is also provided on the page showing that the magazine not only has information about her but quotes that she has actually said making it more personal. The text is in black in order to stand out from the white background, there are different font sizes and styles in order to show readers what is important for them to read.

Katie Perry is seen as a stereotypical female as she looks vulnerable, written on the right is the other artists that also feature in the magazine such as T-pain a hip-hop artist and David Cook who is a rock artists showing that the magazine doesn’t just specializes in one genre, this is done in order to keep the magazine mainstream  

Here are two examples of music magazine content page from different genres:

The magazine content page I will be evaluating is “Vibe” the two artists’ situated on the page are two female rappers this is done because the magazine genre is usually Hip-hop and Rap music. The artists take up the majority of the page suggesting they would be a main story in the magazine. They are both posed showing off their famine physique by wearing short dresses showing off their legs. The clothing that the artists are wearing emphasises the genre of music they are representing as certain genres dress according to their genre style i.e. classical music is usually associated with suites and dresses (formal dressing). This image makes females look strong and powerful, this image subverts female stereotype, showing that rap music shows woman in a different view.  

The text in the content page is small and headings are highlighted boldly to show the topic of each page, this is done in order to make the image of the female artists stand out, the title of the page is positioned using informal juxtaposition suggesting the target age the magazine is aimed at. The pale washed out white background helps the image and text to stand out. The text situated on the page is positioned fitting the artist body shape empathising the focus of the image making seem as though the image was on the page first and the rest has to fit around making the image the center attraction. This page is simple because it’s not really used as a promotional method in order to get audience to buy the magazine therefore is not in need of much attention.         

Sunday 30 January 2011

Magazine covers that are related to my chosen genre of music:

The magazine I will be evaluating is “Q” found by Mark Ellen and David Hepworth. The name “Q” is abbreviated for the word “cue”. Situated on the left side of the magazine is an award making it clear to customers to customers they are one of the best magazines, this can cause purchasing rates to increase as they know they will get their money worth if bought. The magazine looks formal and mature maybe targeting audience ranging from 20-30 judging from the artists they feature in as the image on the front of take that would be more appealing to older age range instead of younger.  

From the photograph on the front we can see that some artist are not looking at the camera and some are, the ones that are used to help make the audience feel valid, it also interprets them as acting like immature boys; re-enacting how they use to be before when they were young and so now they are trying to show the audience that they are still young and still the boy band that they use to know. They are all wearing a black leather jacket which is stereotypical of boy bands back in their time. It is also used so they can stand out from the white background.

The theme of the cover is black, white, and gold and red which when put together can be seen as classy and formal, it makes the reader relies that although they are acting in a childish manner they are still mature adults. The front cover hasn’t got much text which is effect as customers prefer pictures as they are more eye catching and the little text that is there is short and snappy easy to remember and gets to the point of the magazine. The punt “Back for good” is a play on word as Take That has been away for a while and so the magazine has used lyrics from their song to reunite the band.    

The next magazine I will be analysing is “Blender” developed by Dennis Publishing. This magazine could be seen as targeting audiences ranging from 19-30 because although Black Eyed Peas is a young people group the other artist featuring in the magazine are sited to that age group, there is not many colours used which can suggest why I picked that target age group, the background is plain so the artists can stand out. The photograph on the front also insinuates it is for elder people as the man in the middle is drinking however but acting immature by spilling the drink this could suggest the immaturity on the age group and the text suggesting their maturity.

The photo of the artists dressing in young people clothes suggests them trying to relate to young people as they are wearing trainers and their body language shows a sense of immaturity. Placing Furgi in the centre highlights she is the only girl, because she is centred by men her femininity is exaggerated making her body language seem flirty especially with the clothes she has on. Both lead singers are juxtaposed towards the front in order to signify their importance.

The text at the top speaks directly to the audience using informal language “Hey you with the iPod” this could cause people to buy the magazine because there is a free download inside for them to use on their iPod. The magazine also features other genres such as rock this could cause people to buy it as it has a variety of artist/ genre of music to talk about.

Wednesday 19 January 2011

The Final Magazine cover I will be evaluating is “Billboard” created by William Donaldson and James Hennegan. From looking at a number of magazines covers
I noticed that the titles are sometimes covered by the artist this could this suggests that the magazine is so well known that they can afford to cover up their lettering and people still know the magazine it also helps to make the artist in this case Lady Gaga photo to stand out. The text surrounding her medium shot image speaks indirectly, however her eyes are looking out to the readers suggesting although the text is indirect the photo is reaching out to the audience. The magazine itself talks about matters concerning the music industry suggesting that the target audience could be for audience aging from 16-30 as it not only have information pertaining to Lady Gaga, although she would be the main storyline.

Lady Gaga’s body language portrays to the audience her promiscuous side as she revels apart of her breast to the audience suggesting she is using her feminine ways to intrigue the audience. Gaga’s purple hair suggest that she is different to other artist as they don’t usually have different coloured hair the ring/ bracelet on her hand also portrays her uniqueness. The colour scheme used in this cover is straightforward this consists of grey and black allowing the artist and text to stand out however some text are clashing as some text are grey similar to the background which may make it hard to read.  

Here are three examples of music magazine covers from different genres:

Black BeatThe magazine I will be analysing is “Black Beat”, judging from the colourful front cover this magazine attracts young people aging from 15-20 we can clearly highlight the genre it specialise in from the title “Black Beats” meaning it only associates with black artists however may drop in a few stories about other genres to keep the magazine diverse in their audience. From both of these magazines we can tell that “Black Beat” usually covers their page in as much colours and different font in order to attract younger audience, they also talk about current artists that they know young people would be interested in. The magazine with the image of “Bow Wow” on it has less text this is so that audience instead of reading can know who is involved in the magazine just by looking at their photograph, this promotional method works good as customers from a distance may not be able to work out the text on the cover but they will be able to see the image and become engaged as to what the magazine has to say about 

The cover also states that available inside the magazine is not just music stories but also the latest fashion trends, audience may find this absorbing as they always want to keep up with the latest fashion. It also provides competitions for customers to take part in “Win a date with Young Steff”. The background for “Black Beat” is usually plain so that the background doesn’t clash with the writing and image as they use a lot of text colours, fonts, sizes and compositions. The title is also useful in promoting as it is big and bold and uses alliteration so that it is catchy and memorable, also uses informal, slang language in order to relate to young people i.e. “Beat and Shut Up”.   

Keyshia Cole’s magazine is themed in order to suit her femininity using lots of pink and white and purple this is seen as stereotype, while Bow Wow’s magazine is themed with a close up image of his face causing it to take up the majority of the page showing that he is the main storyline and shows his authority by claiming the majority of the page with his face, while Keyshia Cole takes up less space although still letting the audience know she is important by making her centre of the magazine. At the top of Keyshia Cole’s magazine a bit of the paper is purposely torn off revelling a previous member of  “High School Musical” member Corbin Bleu, this is done to show the immaturity of the magazine as it targets young  people it create realism as young people are usually seen as careless therefore the torn paper represents their youth.    
The magazine I will be evaluating is “NME” which means New Musical Express. It was produced by Tony Parsons and Julie Burchill. NME has short abbreviated title in order to catch audience attention and make it more memorable, its signature title colour is mainly red because it is bright. “NME” focuses on niche and mainstream audiences this enables them to have a wide selection of stories instead and not just specialising in one genre; it is also used for unpopular bands/ artists to get recognised.  
 The cover overall gives a sense of seriousness and formality we can tell this from the band solemn facial expression and dark coloured clothes they are wearing. Highlighted from the rest of the group is a girl with orange hair and bright red lipstick this suggest her importance as she is the lead singer because she is positioned closer to the camera than the men in the back. Judging from the cover and it melancholy appearance the genre of music would be rock music as stereotypically most people who associate with that genre generally wear black and have bright lips and dark eye makeup. This is linked with rock music as it is usually represented as a colour for moodiness and negativity which is been conveyed by the artists.  
The bright pink Paramore sign implies to the audience that they like to stand out from other artist, it also could be seen as stereotypical as a girl is the leading singer so she is viewed as liking the colour pink. The cover also uses devices such as rhetorical questions to engage the audience “Everyone else has fallen for them will you?” this is used to highlight how popular the band is, hyperbole is used to exaggerate the text as not everyone has fallen for them be, this exaggeration is used to pull audience’s attention.

The second magazine cover I will be evaluating is “XXL” published by Harris Publications. To start off with the main image on the cover is Jay-Z a famous rap artist this suggest the target market for the magazine is young people because he produces music to suit their taste. The image of Jay-Z has been purposely juxtaposed big onto the cover because it gives the impression that he is superior  to Hip-hop therefore putting empathy on that he is also bigger than New York City as that is the capital of Hip-hop, so him being bigger than New York means nothing can get bigger than that. The front cover also point out that the main story would be about him, the magazine cover also relates to one of Jay-Z songs. Jay-Z posture also empathies on the fact that he is great because he stands with pride with his hands in his waist and facial expression stern.

The colours used in this cover is simple but effective as the background only consist of grey allowing all the other colours to stand out and the word “Jay-Z” is in red which   catches audience more than different colour because it may get too confusing to read. The background also relates to his album cover. The text is all uppercase lettering in order for audience to be able to read with ease. The text on the left shows off all of Jay-Z achievement revelling to us why he is better than Hip-Hop, the way in which the text is written we can interpret the tone as a commentator would say it allowing the audience to feel like they are being spoken too. The text includes devices such as alliteration “Hip-hop on a higher level” this makes it more memorable for the audiences. The magazine sell lines consists of other artists that feature in that weeks addition of the magazine, this gives the audience an insight into the genre of  music the magazine has available and it also a promotional method as they put well known artists in order to attract customers as they well established customers are interested.The fact that the magazine has available an XXL website this means their audiences are usually website users therefore they have a website provided for them, also showing synergy through the use of internet promotion.

This magazine also consists of the same genre as the one above however different company. The magazine “Vibe” was launched by Quincy Jones, its cover consists of a main image, a master head, cover line and a main cover line. The photograph on the front initiates that this magazine targets young people ageing from 15-20 and music lovers as the iconography image of “Lil Wayne” suggests this as most young people listen to his music.

The male artist Lil Wayne is seen as a major rap artist in this image his states is empathised with the use of the throne on the front cover and him sitting with his feet on the chair this is seen as a subvert to what thrones are usually used for this shows his immaturity and his act of not following tradition, suggesting he is different.

The title of the magazine is usually big and bright, this type of font is used on other magazines i.e. NME suggesting that magazines with large title are more appealing for audiences. Vibes front cover usually uses famous artist in order to gain audience interest the artist are usually Hip-hop or R’n’B artist this enhances it recognition as we can then immediately notice what genre of music it specialises in and what the magazine main story would be about, Vibe uses this as a promotional method as they know customers would be interested in famous rappers such as Lil Wayne’s story, it also teases the customers as it gives them a taste of what to expect in the magazine. Surrounding the artist are headlines about other artist that people would also be interested in, this is also another way to help promote as people are always interested in famous people lives.

From looking at other magazines I have realised that most magazines stick to a limited amount of colours as shown in this cover this could mean that they don’t want to over do it as if too much is happening on the front cover then it maybe hard to read and colours may clash, therefore complementary colours such as blue, yellow and orange help to make the cover stand out and more readable.

Preliminary Task

Preliminary Task Photo Ideas